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Geo Wehry & Co. Building (Padangļ¼‰

This building was built in Padang in 1926 as an office building for trading companies, insurance companies, and other corporate offices. (There is another view as to the date of construction.) Geo Wehry & Co. seems to have been a Dutch company, but I could not find out much about it.
Next to the main building are two warehouse-like buildings. I imagined that these might be connected to the main building, so made a card together, but I do not know if this was actually the case.
After the Sumatra earthquake in 2009, the building was not well cared for and was damaged, and we can see some photos of the building looking like ruins on the Internet.
However, it was later renovated and opened as a restaurant in 2024. Please refer to the blog for a link to the street view before and after the renovation. This building is also designated as a cultural heritage site of Padang City.

[Related blog article]
 "Buildings in Padang (1)" (2024-05-04)

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(2024.05.07)  Only the photos were uploaded.