Paper and Tools
* Paper for print. size=A5
* Color paper for cover. size=A5
* Utility knife
* Cutting mat
* Glue
* Press line tool (ex. Eyeleteer)
* Ruler
* Print the pattern on white papar. The size of paper is A5.
* The fold lines of this patttern are gray. So it may be hard to find the lines.
* If you can't find the fold lines, please check comparing with white paper pattern.
* Press the fold lines of the pattern by the eyeleteer for putting dents in Kent paper. This is done to make it easier to fold
Use a ruler always.
* Cut at black lines of pattern.
* Bending little by little along the fold line.
* Please use tweezers to small parts.
Pull and press "B" and "C", and fold down the "A".
* When you are finished folding the paper, make the cover of the card.
Fold in half the color paper A5 size.
* Paste each papers with fitting at fold lines. At first, paste only one side.
* Paste a remaining side.
* If the edges of the white paper and color paper do not fit each other, please cut the edges using a knife and a ruler.