Tokushima City
Former Tokushima City Office
Tokushima City
Former Tokushima Prefectural Offce
Tokushima City
Sako Water Distribution Plant, the collecting well
Tokushima City
Sako Water Distribution Plant, the old pump house
Tokushima City
Former Takahara Building
Tokushima City
Yoshino-gawa Bridge
Mima City
Wakimachi Playhouse
Tsurugi Town
Former the clinic building of Kitamuro Doctor's Office
Miyoshi City
Former Tsuji Branch of Shikoku Bank
Ikeda Town (Miyoshi City)

Former Ikeda Branch of the Monopoly Bureau
Ikeda Town (Miyoshi City)
Former Miyoshi County Public Hall
An old photographic style image means that the building does not exist.