Pop-up cards of Finnish architecture (100th anniversary of diplomatic relations)

The year 2019 is the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Finland. So I d ...
Connecting Time, Town, and People with Red Bricks (2)

Participating in the symposium, “Connecting Time, Town, and People with Red Brick,” held on March 31.
This is a c ...
Connecting Time, Town, and People with Red Bricks (1)

Although I have not yet seen the actual building. On the campus of Shinshu University in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefe ...
Pop-up card of the former Karatsu Bank (color version)

Please take a look at the color version of the pop-up card of the former Karatsu Bank.
I recently read an artic ...
Pop-up card (Architecture in Himeji City)

It’s been a while since I made a pop-up card of modern Japanese architecture.
This time, I only have one ...