Pop-up Koshin-etsu

Thumbnail of post image 128

(The pattern is not be released this time.)
I posted pop-up cards on the main site. These are a modified version ...

Pop-up Koshin-etsu

Thumbnail of post image 147

I uploaded four pop-up cards modeled on the buildings in Nagano Prefecture on the main site. 
These are Form ...

Pop-up Koshin-etsu

Thumbnail of post image 024

I made a pop-up card modeled on the buildings of Nagano prefecture.
One is a new work and the other is a modified ...

Pop-up Koshin-etsu

Thumbnail of post image 161

I made a pop-up card modeled after “Nichirin-sha”.

This time I wanted to bring the eaves forward, s ...

Pop-up Koshin-etsu

Thumbnail of post image 042

The pop-up cards were updated.
I have recently been researching prewar buildings in Yamanashi Prefecture. So I cr ...