Pop-up Africa

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Luanda is the capital of Angola, where in 1575 the Portuguese explorer Paulo Dias de Novais led 100 families of settl ...

Pop-up Africa

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In the previous issue, I posted photos of Windhoek railway station in Namibia.
At that time, I referred the diffe ...

Pop-up Africa

Thumbnail of post image 024

Continuing from the previous issue, I created a pop-up card of a building in Namibia.
This card is the Windhoek r ...

Pop-up Africa

Thumbnail of post image 097

I am making pop-up cards of the buildings in Namibian now.
My plan was to make a few cards and then update the ma ...

Pop-up Africa

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“Mozambique Island” is a world heritage site in the Republic of Mozambique.
The island has been used ...