Opening of the Prefectural Akita Library (second generation)
In yesterday’s article, I mentioned that the location of the prefectural library could not be clearly identified, but I soon found out. I was able to find a map of the time.

The library was located on the south side of the moat, next to the Normal School.
I also found another photo of the building, which confirmed that it was located on the side of the moat. The front of the building faced east. (The cover of the library’s bulletin says “for 1919", but it was actually published in March 1921.)

I plan to write about the construction of this building, but since this library is the second generation, I will turn back the clock and start with the inauguration of the prefectural library.
(1) Prehistory
The prehistory of the Akita Prefectural Library is the “Akita Public Book Room" established in 1879, which opened in a rented private house in January 1880, but moved to the building of the Normal School six months later because it was too small. In 1882, it became a stand-alone book room because the room wanted to make it an independent facility rather than one attached to the school. But in 1884, the book room was closed due to cost problems.
Without reopening, the library was officially closed in March 1886.
(2) The first generation Prefectural Library
The situation changed when a proposal to establish a prefectural library was submitted to the prefectural assembly in 1896.
The following year, the assembly decided to “establish a library with the goal of opening in 1899," and preparations proceeded.
The site for the library was on the southwest side of Senshu Park, and a building that already existed there was purchased and opened in November 1899. This was the first building of the Akita Prefectural Library.
The library has been engaged in such highly regarded activities as the “implementation of a traveling library collection," “establishment of a subsidy system for county libraries," and “purchase of local materials".
The number of books in the collection and the number of users steadily increased.
(3)The second generation Prefectural Library
In 1912, the prefectural assembly decided to commemorate the emperor’s accession to the throne, and in 1914, the assembly decided to build a memorial hall and a library.
The plan was to build a memorial hall next to the public hall (built in 1904) on the south side of Senshu Park, and a library on the south side of the moat where the shrine was located.
In 1915, the governor submitted an application to the Minister of Education for a change of location due to the rebuilding of the library, and construction work began in earnest in June 1916.
The building was completed on October 21, 1918, and a completion ceremony was held on October 31.
The main building was constructed of wood-frame artificial stone and the storerooms of steel brick, with a total building area of 1010.74 m2, of which the main building was 810.74 m2, the storerooms 132.23 m2, and annexed buildings 67.77 m2.
The reading room on the first floor was 178.51 m2 in size and had 110 seats. In addition, there was a children’s reading room on the first floor, and a special reading room and a women’s reading room on the second floor.
According to records, the library cost 100,563.4 yen for construction, the memorial hall cost 108,104.87 yen, and miscellaneous expenses were 12,830.9 yen, for a total cost of 221,498 yen.
The library opened on June 1, 1919, with a collection of 66,000 books at the time of its opening, which increased to 106,000 books the following year. When the library first opened, it had an average of 450 visitors per day, two-thirds of whom were students.
A photo of the inside of the library was found, so it is shown here. It looks like a reading room on the first floor.

As mentioned in the previous article, a new library was built in 1961 on the south side of Senshu Park (i.e., north of the moat) and moved there. This building was used until then.
The year of demolition was not well known; the building was still visible in an aerial photo taken in September 1962 (the year after the relocation), but another building was already completed in an aerial photo taken in May 1967. Perhaps the building was demolished within a few years after the move, without being used for any other purpose.
In the previous photo of the library, some of the windows were obscured by trees, but now that I have found another photo, the shape of the front of the building is clear.
Now I can make pop-up cards with it.
“Akita Prefectural Library Bulletin for 1919" (Akita Prefectural Akita Library/1921)
“Akita Prefectural Akita Library Guide" (Akita Prefectural Akita Library/1934)
“History of Akita Prefectural Akita Library, 1961" (Akita Prefectural Akita Library/1961)
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