Pop-up Hokuriku

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I made a pop-up card of the former Tsuruga Town Office.
The building on which the card was modeled was built in 1 ...

Pop-up Hokuriku

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This photo is a pop-up card of the old Takefu Public Hall that was created in October 2005.
That is 18 years ago. ...

Pop-up Shikoku

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I have not been able to update the main website at all this year, but I finally managed to do so.
Pop-up cards we ...

Pop-up Kyushu Okinawa

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The pop-up cards of Japanese buildings have been updated.
This time I created the Shitsu Catholic Church which is ...

Pop-up Kinki

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On 14 September, Hoshino Resort Inc. announced that it plans to open a hotel using the buildings in the former Nara P ...