Pop-up Shikoku

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There is a remains of the former Hatayama Hydroelectric Power Station in Aki City, Kochi Prefecture, Japan. The power ...

Pop-up Koshin-etsu

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I made a pop-up card modeled after “Nichirin-sha”.

This time I wanted to bring the eaves forward, s ...

Pop-up Hokuriku

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Just as I was writing this blog, I saw an article about the opening date of the National Crafts Museum in Kanazawa, w ...

Pop-up Kanto

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The main website has been updated. This time I chose the model of the card from buildings in Tokyo.
This card is ...

Pop-up Kanto

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I tried to see how it would look like if the dome was redesigned for the Hyokeikan pop-up card that I posted yesterda ...