Pop-up Kinki

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I haven’t updated the main site yet, but only the blog.
Here is a pop-up card I made the other day.

T ...

Pop-up Kyushu Okinawa

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I’ve updated the pop-up cards.
As I wrote in my last blog entry, this time it’s a series of architect ...

Pop-up Kyushu Okinawa

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Please take a look at the color version of the pop-up card of the former Karatsu Bank.

I recently read an artic ...

Pop-up Kinki

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It’s been a while since I made a pop-up card of modern Japanese architecture.

This time, I only have one ...

Pop-up Kanto

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A pop-up card of Minegaoka Auditorium of Utsunomiya University, which I visited the other day, is now available.