Pop-up Hokkaido

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The pop-up card was updated. This time, I made the pop-up cards of the buildings in Hakodate City, Southern Hokkaido. ...

Pop-up Kyushu Okinawa

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It has been a long time since I updated this page.
It took more than a week from the time the pattern was made to ...

Pop-up Kyushu Okinawa

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For two days, I have been writing about the buildings that existed in the past in Miyakonojo City.
So, I created ...

Pop-up Kinki

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First, a notice.
The World Heritage pop-up card, the pattern of Notre Dame de Canada, was not able to be printed ...

Pop-up Koshin-etsu

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The pop-up cards were updated.
I have recently been researching prewar buildings in Yamanashi Prefecture. So I cr ...