Pop-up Card (Building in Aomori Prefecture)

Pop-up card (Modern Architecture in Japan) has been updated.
Since I have also started making pop-up cards of Wor ...
Pop-up Card (Building in Miyazaki Prefecture)

Pop-up card has been updated.
There is only one card this time.
I chose the Ooyodogawa II Hydroelectric Pow ...
Pop-up card (buildings in Wakayama Prefecture)

This is the first update of the year. Thank you for your continued support this year.
I uploaded the pop-up cards ...
Pop-up card (improved version)

This is a pop-up card for the Okayama Okayama Temperance Union, of which only a photo was published two weeks ago.
Pop-up card, churches designed by Yosuke Tetsukawa

Hot weather continues.
I have updated my pop-up cards. This time these are churches in Nagasaki Prefecture.
I ...