How to make pop-up cards

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I have added one more file to the pop-up card sample files.
It is not a new file, however, but an improved versio ...

How to make pop-up cards

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The Ina City SOUZOU-KAN has a model of the Kami-ina Library as when it was completed in 1930.
The major differenc ...

How to make pop-up cards

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This is a pop-up card for the former Kami-ina Library that I created in 2013 (nine years ago).
At that time, I pr ...

How to make pop-up cards

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The pop-up card of the former Kyosei Company that I made last time, but when I look at the completed photo, I am worr ...

How to make pop-up cards

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The sample files page for pop-up cards has been updated.
Previously, there were only two patterns of pop-up cards ...